Monthly Archives: July 2007

Peace of mind…

is priceless — or if your a crazy dog mom $85 for a trip to doggie er at 9:30 pm.

So my little buddy found a plastic frisbee in the field and we played with for awhile. Soon after we come inside he starts to pant heavily, gag and this wierd hiccup like thing. I let it go for about 30 minutes and then started to get really worried. What if a piece of the frisbee broke off and was lodged in his throat?

Fortunately there is a 24 hour pet emergency clinic about 5 minutes from the house…so off we go. By the time we get there he stopped panting and gagging and only did the hiccup thing a few times. We waited about 30 min to see the vet — as usual Tanner made quick friends with everyone. The vet could feel something small, but nothing major and gave him a treat. She was so nice, I felt like an overreacting mommy…but I had visions of a pieces of plastic stuck in his throat and there was no way I would have been able to sleep. But once the all clear was given we had a peaceful, restful night.


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My Scraproom…

is just about done, here are a few pics…The first is what you see when you walk in the room, even Tanner is in his typical place in the middle of the room. Then I have my little sewing station. So nice to be able to leave my sewing machine out and have space when the mood strikes.

to the right of the sewing machine is the ‘Walmart’ special bookcase with all sorts of goodies. I filled it up so fast I really need another one, but don’t know where to put it. I have another small work station that’s holding the mess of ribbon I have. On the opposite side of the room is my main work station and the altered kitchen cabinets that hold the computer equipment.

Just a few more things to make it ‘perfect’— shelves for either side of the canvas work, an area rug and a small bookcase to hold paper instead of the dog kennel.


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A Quick Post to make you smile…

This is really for my mom, but I thought others might get a kick out of this joke someone posted on the message board this am

He was just in the postoffice and this little ole lady walks in with a small dog.

Postmaster: You can not bring a dog in here.

Little ole Lady: He’s my seeing eye dog.

Postmaster: You have a YORKIE as a seeing eye dog??

Little ole lady: Oh my gosh! HE’S A YORKIE???

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More Layouts

I left work about an hour early today and finished up these layouts. One is for a challenge at Two Peas

and the other is a store sample with some new goodies from one of my favorite companies — Scenic Route. Isn’t Tanner the cutest?

Speaking of Tanner — poor guy was so scared this afternoon. We had a serious thunderstorm roll through, he tried to hide under the bed.


Filed under Photography, Scrapbook Layouts

A Little Thursday Fun

So it’s time for another fun video…a work collegue showed this to me a while back and I thought it was super funny. I thought today would be a great day to share it here. It’s a little on the long side (about 5 min) but if it’s not one of the funniest things you see today,

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Fun Cards

Here are a few quick cards I made over the weekend. Can you tell I am in love with this little Quickutz dress die? It’s so much fun — it reminds me of my friend Charlene who is a total QK junkie. (yep I totally outed you girl, no more hiding in the closet ). It also reminds me of this great ‘toy’ I had as a kind some sort of Barbie pretend designer gizmo. It had several different rubbing plates that you could mix, match and color to create endless fabulous outfits. So I’m trying to think of ways to use this little dress like that. Mary Kay and I brainstormed a whole ‘Sex in the City’ card set with it. Stayed tuned for that.

Speaking of MK, I’m headed over to the store to see all the latest goodies she picked up at the show. After a month of seeing ‘sneak peeks’ online, I finally get to see and touch in person. Ooh La La!!

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***10 on Tuesday***

Ok I know it’s Wednesday, but I thought I’d sneak it in. Plus this week’s topic required some serious thought and I’m not quite done. It requires digging a little deeper and those who know me well know I block and compartmentlize just about everything that involves real emotion — the problem is to be really successful (and I’m one of the best) you have to block the good with the bad.

Top Ten Nicest Things Anyone has Done for You…
(in no particular order, gosh it was hard enough to think of these)

*When I was about 4 or 5 my mom bought me my first ‘big box’ of 60 crayons, I often wonder if that was where my love of color began. It’s also one of only two memories I have of myself before age 10 so it must be pretty special.

* My dad who bought me my first horse — a beautiful white arabian named Rosie. She helped me survive some tough early teen years.

* Random strangers who bought gas for me and my Freshman roomate after her jeep ran out of gas and neither of us had any money. Denverites will especially appreciate this moment to know that we ran out of gas on I-25 by the old Mile High Stadium. A questionable at best neighborhood

*Mr. Jorgenson, my AP history teacher who when handing back a research paper thanked me for taking the class and let me know I was the only one who received an ‘A’ .

*My sister and her hubby, Troy for letting me live with them for 6 months rent free while I got my life back together a little.

*Same aforementioned Troy for giving me the time to come to the decision myself to let go of Abby even after she attacked Lindy for a second time.

*My good friend Carol, who gave me my start in the Scrapbooking industry, always allowed me to express myself and provided endless positive feedback — taking me on a scrapping cruise to the Caribbean ranks high too!

*My mentor Margaret, who gave me a strong foundation and belief that while the old saying ‘change a child, change the world’ may be corny it is the truth.

*Emily, Mary Kay and Vivian who welcomed me with open arms at the first pea crop. It was the first time I thought I hadn’t made a major mistake in moving to Colorado.

Ok, I know that’s only nine, but the others all run together into a bundle of memories that make up life.

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Presto Chango!

Wow the weekend went fast — as usual, but this weekend seemed even more so. Maybe because I was fairly productive — at least by my scale.

Shelley and I spent the day together yesterday — we hit the farmer’s market in Highlands Ranch. I’m hoping to make this a regular habit. This time I picked up some gorgeous tomatoes, a cucumber, some cherries and a little kettlecorn, Yumm-O. Shelley splurged on some delicious looking apple strudel. We laughed and debated whether she would save some for Troy when he comes home from fishing trip tom or if she would eat all of the evidence on the ‘eat for two’ excuse.

Then off to Park Meadows for lunch and some maternity clothes for her. I wish I would have known that’s how we would have ended up so I would have taken my camera and had some pics for the baby book.

Speaking of being productive…I finished a home project this weekend. Finally I made pillow covers for the couch and love seat. The couches came with this…

Which is a fabulous fabric if your into contemporary styles, strong graphics and bold colors. Me? Not so much, although there are times when I find those things very appealing. For my day to day life I am a Classic Girl. Plus the only things I have of artistic value in the living room have none of these colors. So what’s a girl to do? Crafty girl to the rescue — find great fabric and cover the cushions of course. About a month (ack maybe more) I found this fab silky stripe on sale at Jo-Anns and bought three yards. An hour of focused cutting, pinning and sewing time and voila ‘new’ pillows


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New Layouts

My closest scrapping friends are all at CHA — the vendor show for the crafty set. There getting a sensory overload on all the latest and greatest of the scrapping world. The two peas gang decided to host a ‘CHA in spirit’ day full of challenges to scrap. I played for a large part of the morning yesterday and finished two layouts. So the first LO it is from my trip to Disney (well the hotel at least), if you remember(yes, I do expect you to remember everything I write, there will be a quiz at some point.) from my post a few weeks ago I was intrigued my the number of images of Mickey that surround the area. Here are a few that photographed reasonably well. When I got home I learned that there is a whole sub-culture of Disney elite that look for and report the hidden Mickeys from the various properties and resorts. Check out some more places and see Disney from space here.

The next LO was a challenge to use a ‘scrap’ from your life on a page. I am totally addicted to this yummy organic raspberry lemonade. How lemonade is organic is really beyond me, I guess the lemons and berries could be grown organically. So I combined the label with a couple of pics from the farmer’s market last week and a pic of the bag from the new grocery store just down the street from my house. I love the Sunflower market — my kind of organic grocery — cheaper than Whole Foods or Wild Oats one of the first things you see is a row of bulk chocolate and candy. Luckily the fruit looks even tastier than the candy so I don’t go crazy. So I’m being successful at buying the healthy stuff — now if I would just eat it before it goes bad.

The good news is that I won a prize for this LO in the challenge, not based on it’s merits as a great page, but that a little boy picked my name from the list of entries, but I’m not picky. I love prizes any way I can get them.

Today is cleaning with cramps day and hopefully a trip to the farmer’s market with Shelley.

Hope everyone had a great weekend!

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Another random fact

Most who know me, know that I am not usually a big environmental person. Recycle if it’s convienent, global warming still wonder about, but one thing I am sure of is there is a finite amount of oil on this planet and lives are lost daily because of it. (yep, that would be the first major political statement I’ve made on the blog in case anyone is keeping track). While this doesn’t have me running out to by the latest hybrid car (although my next purchase will definitely be one), I do think about other ways to reduce my personal use.

Here’s the latest random factoid…it takes the equivilant amount of oil to manufacture 14 plastic grocery bags as it does to refine a gallon of oil for my car. I always knew plastics were not friendly and have always ‘thought about’ buying some resusable cloth bags…but like many things in life ‘thought about’ = action about 40% of the time and I hadn’t done it. However today’s stat moved me over the top and straight to the online store Earthwise bags. Believe it or not the bags are pretty cheap 10 for $12.50 plus shipping via UPS so about $20 in all. If only I could turn all of the plastic bags in my house into gas for the car.

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